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A comprehensive outsourcing model in which a company outsources all or most of its recruiting efforts to an external provider. The RPO provider is responsible for managing the entire recruiting process, from sourcing candidates to extending job offers on behalf of the company. 



A flexible outsourcing model in which a company only outsources recruiting efforts as needed. The company retains control over the recruiting process and may handle some aspects of recruiting in-house while outsourcing others to the ROD provider. ROD is typically used to supplement a company's internal recruiting efforts rather than replacing them entirely.

How we deliver

  • Seamlessly integrate experienced recruiters with your team and management group

  • Utilize specialized recruiting tools

  • Provide end-to-end recruiting solutions

  • Access to our already-established network of candidates

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RPO/ROD benefits

  • Increased scalability and growth

  • Cost-effective and efficient

  • Improved candidate experience

  • Access to specialized expertise 

  • Better use of the internal workforce



RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) is a full-service outsourcing model that takes over the entire recruitment process. 

ROD (Recruiting on Demand) is a flexible, on-demand model in which the company retains control and outsources only specific aspects of the recruitment process when required.


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